Some results of The Party 1991
      hosted by Melon Dezign/Crystal,Trix/Anarchy Dk and Silents
              held  (27-29 ??) december 1991 in  Aars/Denmark.
             Nearly 1300 (1252) people visited the party 

    Productions with greetingscrollers not allowed
           1st   Odyssey     by  Alcatraz
           2nd   Hard Wired  by  The Silents
           3rd   Voyage      by  Razor 1911

           Egregious              by  Kefrens
           Seeing is Believing    by  Anarchy UK
           3D Demo                by  Anarchy DK
           Mistle                 by  Doom
           Demo                   by  Amaze
           Spellcheck             by  Andromeda
           Members Intro          by  Spaceballs
           Mad Decision           by  Majic 12
           Plastic Passion        by  Upfront
           7Th Sense              by  E.O.C
           For Publisity          by  Palace
           Glenz                  by  Rebels
           Oh Crinkey What a Shi  by  Sanity         
           Members                by  Amonia
           Turmoil Musicdisk      by  Sanity 
           Laama                  by  Parallax
           Penis                  by  Awille
           BBS Intro              by  Denise
           X-mas                  by  Curve
           BBS-Intro              by  Vanish 
           Contro                 by  The Special Brothers
           Party                  by  Anal Intruders
           Intro                  by  Reflectors
           Justice                by  Oxygen
           Virtual Intellegence   by  Horizon
           Pardey                 by  Agony
           d-copy intro           by  D-Mob
           Intro                  by  Lionhead
           Megademo               by  U.L.I
           Digital Aggravation    by  Rednex
           Real Empathy           by  Virtual

               Graphics Competition

    1st        Maximum overscan   by Iridon/Shinida  
    2nd        Dog!    by Cougar/Sanity      
    3rd        Hardcoremonster  by R.W.O/The new Kefrens

               Music Competition

    1st        Overload by Mantronix and TIP
    2rd        Hardcore by Static of Rebels
    3rd        Backtracking by Nightlight

               A new Jack Thing  by  Kookai
               Agonized Mind     by  Ash
               Dekkadence        by  Dolhpin
               Divine Glory      by  D-Zire  
               Bari Pacific      by  Nuke/Anarchy