Welcome on Mandriva Linux installation media.
***** TĂĄmogatĂĄs *****
Mandriva Linux users can find various kind of support:
    * Web: http://www.mandriva.com/support/ and http://expert.mandriva.com
    * Levelező listák: http://ml.mandriva.net/wws
    * FĂłrumok: http://forum.mandriva.com
    * BiztonsĂĄgi ĂŠs hibabejelentĂŠs: http://www.mandriva.com/security
    * Hivatalos dokumentĂĄciĂł: http://doc.mandriva.com
If you look for complete support on Mandriva Linux through our support team,
you can order Mandriva Linux PowerPack Edition from our on-line_store.
Mandriva has also setup an online community_hardware_compatibility_database
which aims to help Linux users find out about the compatibility of their
hardware, and follow the improvement of support. If you would like to take
part, you can send us the list of hardware in your system and rate its
performance under Linux. Other users can then use this information. The
information is not linked to your personal information in any way, guaranteeing
your privacy. It's_quick_and_easy_to_contribute.

***** TelepĂ­tĂŠs *****
For more information,see the install.htm file.

***** Telepítőkészlet tartalma *****
This directory is organized as follows:
    * media/
          o main/: main binary packages
          o contrib/: contrib binary packages
          o media_info/: packages meta data
    * install/
          o extra/: installation advertising images
          o images/: boot images
          o stage2/: ramdisk images of the installation
    * isolinux/: isolinux boot images
    * doc/: installation help files in various languages
    * dosutils/: installation utilities for DOS
    * misc/: source files, install trees
    * VERSION: current version number
    * COPYING: copyright information
    * INSTALL.txt: installation instructions
    * README.txt: this file in text mode

If you are mirroring to a partition or an NFS volume, you'll need to get
everything under "install/" for installation related files, and everything
under "media" for packages, as well as the isolinux images from ""isolinux/".

***** ForrĂĄskĂłd *****
You can download all the source packages from_public_mirrors.

***** Kapcsolat *****
Információ a Mandriva elérhetőségével kapcsolatban:: http://
***** Nyelvek *****
    * ENGLISH                   * FRANCAIS             * NORSK_(NYNORSK)
    * AFRIKAANS                 * GALEGO               * PERSIAN
    * ALBANIAN                  * GEORGIAN             * POLISH
    * ARABIC                    * GREEK                * PORTUGUES_(BRAZIL)
    * AZERI                     * HEBREW               * PORTUGUES_(PORTUGAL)
    * BENGALI                   * HINDI                * PUNJABI
    * BOSNIAN                   * HUNGARIAN            * ROMANIAN
    * BREZHONEG                 * ICELANDIC            * RUSSIAN
    * BULGARIAN                 * BAHASA_INDONESIA     * SARDU
    * CATALA                    * ITALIANO             * SERBIAN
    * CHINESE_(Simplified)      * JAPANESE             * SLOVAKIAN
    * CHINESE_(Traditional)     * KIRGHIZ              * SLOVENIAN
    * CROATIAN                  * KURDISH              * SUOMI
    * CZECH                     * LATVIAN              * SVENSKA
    * DANSK                     * LITHUANIAN           * TAJIK
    * DEUTSCH                   * MACEDONIAN           * TAMIL
    * ESPANOL                   * MALAY                * TURKCE
    * ESPERANTO                 * MALTESE              * UKRAINIAN
    * ESTONIAN                  * MONGOL               * UZBEK
    * EUSKARAZ                  * NEDERLANDS           * VIETNAMESE
    * FILIPINO                  * NORSK_(BOKML)        * WELSH
The contents of this installation media are Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Mandriva
S.A. and others. Please see the individual copyright notices in each source
package for distribution terms. The distribution terms of the tools copyrighted
by Mandriva can be found in the file COPYING. Mandriva Linux and its logo are
trademarks of Mandriva S.A.