Editor's Note: Minutes received 12/21/92


Reported by Jeff Case/SNMP Research

Minutes of the FDDI MIB Working Group (FDDIMIB)

The FDDI MIB Working Group met on November 19, 1992 in Washington, D.C.
This being the second meeting of the Group after a lengthy hiatus, the
Chair invested the time to introduce the goals and for participants to
introduce themselves to one another.  The Agenda for the meeting was
reviewed and adopted.  The roster was circulated.

A brief report was received on the standardization status of SMT 7.2
within ANSI. Finalization is expected soon.

The current draft was introduced, including the algorithms used for
object inclusion and exclusion and the algorithms used for transforming
objects between GDMO and the SNMP/SMI concise MIB format.

The identified issues were discussed in turn:

   o PATHConfiguration
     The Group agreed that the inclusion of the PATHConfiguration
     information objects is desirable, given the relative costs and
     benefits.  The Group discussed two proposals that have been
     advanced, one from Anil and one from Sal.  The editor was directed
     to incorporate the PATHConfiguration information in the next draft
     based on Sal's suggested table format.

   o FddiTime
     The Group agreed to express FddiTime as a positive integer in 1
     nanosecond units.  The editor was directed to include a complete,
     appropriate, example to eliminate the confusion surrounding two's

   o Timestamp
     The Group agreed to rescale Timestamp to express it in 1
     millisecond units.

   o Correction of Equations and Relationships
     This is no longer a problem thanks to the assistance of Floyd Ross,
     who was able to supply machine readable text that could be
     successfully imported by the document's editor.

   o SMT <-> SNMP Index Mappings
     The Group was pleased with the current draft which includes sparse
     mappings of the index values to match SMT.

The editor was directed to prepare a new draft to reflect these
decisions and to have it posted to the internet-drafts directories.


Discussion of event notifications was deferred until after the MIB
design work is completed.


Caralyn Brown            cbrown@wellfleet.com
Jeff Case                case@cs.utk.edu
Wo Chang                 wchang@nist.gov
Chris Chiotasso          chris@andr.ub.com
Wayne Foco               foco@ralvm6.vnet.ibm.com
Ed Heiner                eah@pau.synnet.com
Merike Kaeo              merike@alw.nih.gov
Mark Lewis               mlewis@telebit.com
Evan McGinnis            bem@3com.com
Daniel Myers             dan@nsd.3com.com
Luc Pariseau             pariseau@quiver.enet.dec.com
James Reeves             jreeves@synoptics.com
Guenter Roeck            roeck@conware.de
Dan Romascanu            dan@lannet.com
Assaf Rubissa            asaf@fibhaifa.com
Ahmet Tuncay             atuncay@synoptics.com
Jeff Young               young@alw.nih.gov
