Watt Computers Delphi Components Package

                             Version 1.32


    1. Introduction

    2. Installation

    3. Usage

    4. Registering

    5. Contact

    6. History

    7. Copyright

1. Introduction

    The two components supplied can be used to read and write CSV type
    data files.

2. Installation

    Delphi 3

    1.  Remove any previously installed Watt Computers components.

    2.  Place all the DPL and DCU files in your preferred directory

    3.  In Delphi, select the 'Component' menu

    4.  Then select 'Install Packages...'

    5.  In the next window select 'Add...'

    6.  Select the 'watt_D3.dpl' file and click 'Open'

    7.  Select 'OK'

    8.  Delphi will now install the components

    9.  A new palette page will appear named 'Watt Computers'

    10. The components are now installed and ready to use

    Delphi 5

    1.  Remove any previously installed Watt Computers components.

    2.  Place all the BPL and DCU files in your preferred directory

    3.  In Delphi, select the 'Component' menu

    4.  Then select 'Install Packages...'

    5.  In the next window select 'Add...'

    6.  Select the 'watt_D5.bpl' file and click 'Open'

    7.  Select 'OK'

    8.  Delphi will now install the components

    9.  A new palette page will appear named 'Watt Computers'

    10. The components are now installed and ready to use

3. Usage

    There is comprehensive help on the properties, methods and events of
    the two components in the supplied help file.

4. Registering

    Registration fees:

        $50 for new registrations
        $25 for upgrades only

    You can register for the package online by going to 


    and in the 'Express Registration' box entering either 132307 for new 
    registrations or 132308 for upgrades.

    If you don't want to order online you can register by phone, fax 
    or e-mail by completing one of the two forms as follows:

        - '132307.txt' for new registrations
        - '132308.txt' for upgrades

    Send completed forms to:

        ShareIt! - Reimold&Schumann Internet Services
        Habsburgerring 3
        50674 Koeln
        Phone: +49-221-2407279
        Fax: +49-221-2407278
        E-Mail: register@shareit.com 

    US customers may also order by calling 1-800-903-4152 (orders only 
    please!). US check and cash orders can be sent to the US office at 

        ShareIt! Inc.
        P.O. Box 97841
        Pittsburgh, PA 15227-0241

5. Contact

    For information and advice on the components e-mail 


    and I will respond as quick as I can.

    E-mail:    info@wattcomputers.co.uk

    Web:       http://www.wattcomputers.co.uk

6. History

    Version 1.32 - 12/03/2000
      - Fixed bug when importing to date or time fields where there 
        is no field data.
      - Fixed bug with fiexed length exports.

    Version 1.31 - 06/03/2000
      - Fixed bug where a field separator inside field delimiters
        would cause half the data to appear in the following field
        and all following fields to be populated out of step.

    Version 1.3 - 27/02/2000
      - Added RecordSeparator property to TCSVExport.
      - Added version property dialog to TCSVExport and TCSVImport.
      - Enhanced header and trailers on TCSVExport and TCSVImport.
      - Improved text reading algorithm.
      - Improved text writing algorithm.
      - Fixed bug when immediately repeating TCSVExport.Execute.

    Version 1.2 - 19/05/1999
      - Delphi 4 components added
      - Added header and trailer records to both components
      - TCSVImport can now read files in UNIX format
      - Property editor for input and output file properties

    Version 1.1 - 01/11/1998
      - TCSVExport component added
      - First commercial release
      - Improved handling for diferent field types
      - Improved progress window
      - Added properties for limited field imports

    Version 1.0 - 01/08/1998
      - First release

7. Copyright

    All source code, compiled units, documentation and logos are 
    Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Watt Computers

    Distribution of source code and/or documentation, either modified or 
    unmodified, is not permitted without formal agreement from the author
    (James Watt, Watt Computers).