TPrintDecisionGrid readme file
Copyright 1998-1999, by Alexander Mokrushin

Table of contents:
Part 1 - Description
Part 2 - Legal stuff
Part 3 - Files included
Part 4 - Installation
Part 5 - About author

Part 1 - Description
TPrintDecisionGrid is descendant of standard TDecisionGrid with ability
to print / print-preview report pages.
It is native Delphi 3 or 4 component (Delphi Client/Server Suite).
TPrintDecisionGrid doesn't need any additional tool to do printing work.
It can print large crosstab reports very quickly and accurately.

TPrintDecisionGrid allows you
  - to print report (available in design-time)
      all the cells of grid are automatically distributed among horizontal and vertical pages
  - to preview report pages in special PreviewForm (available in design-time)
      you can navigate through pages in both horizontal and vertical directions
  - to adjust "best" column width
      so all the cells' strings will be entirely visible
  - to set page margins
      Left, Top, Right, Bottom (in millimeters)
  - to define in your report title and subtitle
      this is optional additional information about query result in grid
  - to switch on/off color in your report
      so you can save printer toner
  - to use your own Print-Preview forms
      you just have to place on your modal form special "TPDGPreview" control and
      specify "OnPreviewReport" Grid's Event
since version 2.0 it's possible too
  - to set Header and Footer on each report page
      you can customize their text using static text and predefined parameters
      (such as "Page Index", "Number of Pages" etc.) in Design Time
      and a special event in Run Time.
  - to duplicate FixedColumns and FixedRows on each horizontal/vertical page
      so your End-User will read more understandable printing output
  - to vary size of cells in report using ReportScalePercent property
      initial value 100% means that Grid cells and text strings will have
      on paper the same size, they have on screen
  - to add in report your own text or pictures
      using special "OnReportPrintPage" Grid's event
  - to switch on/off various report options (such as "need print Title")
      using special ReportOptions set property
  - to copy data from cells to clipboard (available in design-time)

Part 2 - Legal stuff
The TPrintDecisionGrid Delphi 3 or 4 (Client/Server Suite edition) native component
is released as "shareware program".
Evaluation copy if distributed for free.
You may use TPrintDecisionGrid in any commercial application ONLY after registration.
Source code will be shipped you with registration.
Registration fee:
  a single license costs $46.
To obtain more information about registration procedure please see REGISTER.TXT file.

Once registered you may distribute any application that includes this component
with no additional royalties beyond your initial license registration fee.
You may NOT distribute the TPrintDecisionGrid source, if purchased,
to any other individual or company.

Part 3 - Files included
Design-time/Run-time Packages:
  BIN\PDGDSGN.DPL (or BPL)     - design time package
                                 (place it to your Delphi \BIN directory)
  LIB\PDGRUNTM.DCP             - part of run time package
                                 (place it to your Delphi \LIB directory)
  SYSTEM\PDGRUNTM.DPL (or BPL) - run time package
                                 (place it to this demo project directory
                                  or to Windows system directory)

Component units and forms (place them all to your Delphi \LIB directory)
  LIB\PRNDGRID.DCU    - main TPrintDecisionGrid component unit
  LIB\PDGPVIEW.DCU    - form unit with print preview component
  LIB\PDGPVIEW.DCR    - component resource
  LIB\DEFPVIEW.DCU    - default print preview form unit
  LIB\DEFPVIEW.DFM    - default print preview form resource
  LIB\DGABOUT.DCU     - about dialog unit
  LIB\DGABOUT.DFM     - about dialog form resource
  LIB\DGIMAGES.RES    - resource file with images, which appears in print preview form
  LIB\DGSTRNGS.DCU    - all string constants used in this component
  LIB\DGUTILS.DCU     - some internal routines

Resource files for different languages
  RES\                - this directory contains DGSTRNGS.PAS (all strings used in this component)
                        for different languages

Demo project source files

Help and manual files
  README.TXT          - this file
  PRNDGRID.HLP        - TPrintDecisionGrid help file
  REGISTER.TXT        - information about registration

Part 4 - Installation
1. Place PDGDSGN.DPL (or BPL) to your Delphi \BIN directory
    (this is design time package).
2. Place all the files from "LIB" directory to your Delphi \LIB directory
    (they are part of run time package and component units and forms).
3. Place PDGRUNTM.DPL (or BPL) to your Windows system directory
    (this is run time package).
4. Run Delphi IDE.
5. Choose "Component\Install Packages..." item, press button "Add", and find
     PDGDSGN.DPL (or BPL) package file.

If everything was made correct - the message box will be shown "Components
TPrintDecisionGrid and TPDGPreview were added" and now you can see icons in
"Decision Cube" component page.

Part 5 - About author

Alexander Mokrushin

Post Address:
  Bikbaya str. 24-51,
  450099 Ufa,



For more information see Help (PRNDGRID.HLP).