           Symposium was success.
       BBX-Symposium'96 party report
          from lORD / aBS!^iMS^cJ
 /\ [ pASSEd tHROUGh nOTB +36-12914029 ] /\

                         Symposium'96 party report

                   - an East-European's point of view -

               * by lORD / aBSOLUTe!^iMPULSe^cRiMSOn jiHAd *

 BBX-Symposium party: 5th (friday) to 8th (monday), april, 1996, Hamburg, GER

 All season of each year has already a fix party. Thus if i recall spring
TG comes to my (so called) mind. But since as far as i know Norway is not
in the neighbourghood of Hungary and i wanted to go to party this spring at
any cost, i rather chose the very close (1100 km) Hamburg to spend some money
(though some of my german friends told german parties suxx - too many drunk,
arrogant and stupid people, they told.... just like if i watched into the
So, Die Fantastische Vier (Rendall/Impulse, Wintermute/CrimsonJihad, 
Detoxcaso and Me) got in our Mercedes (LADA Samara) and after 15 hours of
driving we arrived to the home town of hamburgers. It was very easy to find
the partyplace, though it was situated somewhere in a suburb or something.
We paid (ehhh?) the 35 DM entrance price, which was quite a fair price, i
think (compared to that waterized coffee at tp5) and the quest started.
I can't say anything about the first day, since we arrived at friday midnight
(or i could say a word: Dubi <- don't bother if you don't understand), but
saturday and sunday was quite fun, anyway. It was the very best organized
party I've been in the last 1-1.5 year, in spite of the fact the number of
the visitors was just about 700 i think. But let's see a list of my expections.
Disadvantages: no sleeping room, no bathes (at least it was easy to find us)
               only cold water (i felt like in army), mistake in music-compo
               (i will explain it later), it was Easter and everything was
               closed and the city was too far .. but that's all!!! No more
               negative feeling!
Advantages: helpful organizers, nice laser shows and concert, the toilettes
            were clear (and no paper mountains around them), no arrogancy
            from the organizers, pleasant prices in the buffet (though no
            beer), there was enough elecrocity (to be shaked),
            no stupid XXX sounds from the 200 inch TVs, comfortable chairs,
            no DOOM-ing, irc and WEB was possible (for patient men),
            dark room for compos and not forget to mention nice contributions
            as well.
I haven't seen any restrictions that alcohol was not allowed, so many ppl
had brought 'supply' with him, but in spite of this i haven't seen ANY
pukes, damages or anything! People took care and knew where the limit is
(the stars)      This can be the future party may be?!
I haven't heard of any stolen hardwares either (except for a bottle of coke)
The online information was reliable, and the starting times were correct.
The halls were enough dark by night and there was no 'amplifier-competition'
in the halls then.

                                 All in all:
                    No doubt, my place is on BBX-Symo'96.

PS: I've nearly forgot. i promised i explain the 'mistake in music-compo':
    Mr.Pixel/Impulse composed a module in ProTracker for the 4 channel compo,
    but first it was played in multichannel (they told because their player
    realized it as a multichn music - funny, because even my bugging 
    filemaster has played it, too, as normal PT module) but then it was played
    at last in the 4 channel competition, too (no.15) So, we got still..
    But then when the results where shown, the screen showed only 14 lines
    (every line was a contributor with his percentage of votes), but since
    there were 16 selected entries and only 14 lines, the last 2 was not
    shown! And Mr.Pixel's module was one of them.
    Ok, i don't blame the organizers, i admit they had really hard work with
    it, but they should have taken much more care on the thing they are
    showing, if somebody was already working on a music so long and it was
    even selected and was even in the best 10, too.
    But they were helpful (or at least most of them) with this problem, too...